
Sockets and types
i) It is used to take the supply for a portable appliance in conjunction with a plug like heater, table fan ,electric iron etc.
ii) It is made of Bakelite sometime its base 15 also made of porcelain.
iii) It has two or three hollow brass pins.
iv) It is of two types.

a) Two pin socket :
1) These sockets are rated as 6A/250 V.
2) And are having two pins only.

B) Three pin socket :

i) These are rated according to the voltage and current ratings i ..,e 6Al250 V, 16A,
250 V .
ii) The third pin is usually larger and thicker than the two other pins and it is used for  connecting the earth wire.

C) switch socket combined

i) . The switch and socket are combined in one.
ii) g It is made of Bakelite and it is available in 6A/250 V and [GA/250 V.


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