Basic pc fundamentals definations

COMPUTER: a computer is basically an elecronic device, which converts unorganized facts or data into some meaningful information. the conversion is done under the control of set of instructions,which are known as computer programs.

HARDWARE: Hardware is term used to describe the physical components of the computer, any computer part that you can see or touch, such as the monitor , keyboard , mouse etc is hardware. any accessory or peripheral device connected to the computer, such as printer is also called hardware.

SOFTWARE: Software is the operatind system and application s that make the hardware work. software is a set of instructions, provided to the computer to carry out the task required by user . windows 95/98/2000, linux, ms office, visual studio, adobe reader etc are examples of software.

firmware: frmware is software permanently stored inside the computer. firmware combines hardware and software into important chips inside the microcomputer.

Basic computer system:  a basic computer configuration consists of the main system unit also called the CPU, monitor, key board and mouse.

MAIN SYSTEM UNIT:  this comprises of the major components of the computer . it consits of processor, electronic circuit board known as mother board , random access memory (RAM), storage devices such as floppy disk drive, harddisk drive, cd rom drive, switch mode supply (smps) etc


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